Friday, April 26, 2013

Unsinful Mistakes

Oh man, I messed up this week.  I have been administering SAT10 tests all week and everything was going fine, but a mistake on day 1 that was exposed on day 5.  Thank goodness it doesn't truly affect anything.

Here is what happened. The students needed to fill our their personal student ID numbers on the answer sheets.  The school gave nice labels with the students name and ID number on it for me to pass out and use to fill in the bubbles.  Easy right?

I noticed a section on the answer sheets that said, "Place ID labels here' so I instructed the class to put the labels there.  It seemed the most logical thing to do.  

Five days go by.

I turn in my tests today and the ladies look at my labels with frustration and try to take them off only to make sticky spots.  How embarrassing.  I was the ONLY one.  I didn't say it was my fault or why I instructed it, I just said I was sorry and went on with my day.  But it's been on my mind.(Not in a end of the world, high stress kind of way, but in a "why did I do that?" kind of way)

How often do I do things that are logical to me but don't make any sense to others or drive other people crazy?  My wife would say often.  Is it often?  Like these labels the must be things that don't truly matter in the big picture or I'd be cut out of a great amount of communities.

But the fact that it doesn't matter, doesn't matter.  I messed up.  Was it sinful?  No way.  So what does God say about this?  What should I do when I mess up in unsinful ways?  Jesus would say to me and to you what He says in almost every fathomable situation; the two powerful words...Trust Me.

He would say, Jeremy, there isn't anyway you could have avoided this with the information you were given and the way I wired you to process things.   But you did it.  It really happened.  You might have to deal with others thinking you are inept.  So trust Me with that.  Do not worry over this any longer.  Do not think about what they think about you.  Trust Me.  Together we can move forward.  If it were sin I'd be working in you to clean it.   But it's not, it's just you, and you are Mine.  There was this one time on Mount Hermon that I was transfigured with Moses and Elijah and my friend Peter saw it, and he didn't know what was going on, I hadn't given him very much information in clear terms about it, and he offered to build us tents, haha.  That wasn't sinful either.  That was just Peter. 

That is all I need for today.  Trusting Jesus is a light unto my path.  

Next time I will ask for more information.  Next time I will know what question to ask ahead of time.  Next time I might mess something else up.  But that will simply be another opportunity to trust Jesus.

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