Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Did God ease up a little in the New Testament?  We seem to have big scary angry God in the Old Testament and then nice fuzzy bearded happy forgiving Jesus in the New Testament.  The thing is the Bible tells us that Jesus is the image of the invisible God.  Jesus Himself said that He and the Father are one.  So which is it?  Are they big scary angry God or nice fuzzy bearded happy Jesus? 

This is something the teaching team at my church have been processing over the last 8 weeks and it’s honestly been the most excited I've been to go to church in years. 

Life giving phrases that have been pulled from God’s word and proclaimed from the pulpit like…

-The Old Testament God has the same essence of the God who protected the harlot from   being stoned in the New Testament.
-Who is the Old Testament God?  He is Hesed “loving kindness” a Hebrew word used 176  times.
-The God of the OT gives unearned forgiveness over and over and over
-Grace is not an invention of the New Testament

This might not be news to you, but it’s easy to read the OT and forget it’s true.  We can easily distrust the OT God.  And distrust is unhealthy for our relationship with Him.

Here’s how God seems to operate…

For every unbeliever God’s emphasis is conviction of sin. 
For every believer God’s emphasis is conviction of His love.  

So what if the goal of God for mankind before Christ’s coming was conviction of sin and after His coming was conviction of His love and our new identity?

I drive home every Sunday thinking through my favorite Old Testament stories and I’m finding His loving kindness all over the place.  It’s overwhelming. 

This Sunday I drove home and I was drawn to the book of Zechariah.  It’s a tough book to read sometimes and so many stay away from it, including myself, but it has beautiful imagery of God’s plan for us.  Other than Isaiah and the Psalms, Zechariah packs the most foreshadowing of Jesus.

I want to look at Zechariah with you.  If you can get in your mental time machine we are going to Israel after the Babylonian captivity.  Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judah took them to Babylon.  Persia took over Babylon and eventually Persia let some of the Jews go home.  Any who wanted actually and it wasn't very many.

They went home, rebuilt the city walls of Jerusalem.  Another wave of Jews came under Ezra and they started to rebuild God’s temple, but they got distracted and sinful and  stopped construction.  During this pause God calls Zechariah to speak to the people as a prophet.

He is given so much information in a short period of time starting with 10 visions in one night.  They take up the first 6 chapters.  I want to look at the fourth vision this morning. 

Many Bible scholars say you can only understand the individual visions in the context of all ten.  For the sake of time here is the gist of all ten visions. 
1.    I AM a Jealous God.  God wants Israel to love Him so badly.
2.    I will punish your enemies
3.    I will live among you (just build my house)
4.    I will restore the priesthood
5.    This is My Work “not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord”
6.    I will deal with sinners
7.    I will remove wickedness
8.    At my command are powerful angels.  

What does all this mean?  Judah had gone into captivity for many years because of their turning away from God.  They hadn't heeded Jeremiah’s warnings and they lost their home.  Now they had returned home but they were not yet restored before God. 

In the Old Testament an analogy is drawn of Israel as Gods wife.  Judah is what is left of Israel.  It’s His broken and wounded bride.  But He desires her so.  He wants to be with her.  We are not used to perfect love like this.

In Jerusalem at this time is a man named Joshua.  He is not the Joshua who fought the battle of Jericho.  He is the high priest of the people.  It’s his job to stand before the Lord on the Day of Atonement and represent the people.  Seek pardon for their sins.
The fourth vision opens up with Joshua standing before God.  Now before we read it I want to point out something we couldn't possible see so far today.  Zechariah asked questions through the first three visions and almost all of the last four.  This is the only vision in which he sees so clearly and understands so readily he asks nothing but instead has the confidence to add commentary.  Beautiful.

Zechariah chapter 3.
Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him.
This is what my everyday feels like.  Satan loves to let me know what he thinks I stink at.

And the LORD said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you, O Satan!  The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you!  Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?  Now Joshua was standing before the angel, clothed with filthy garments. 

You get the picture, right?  Joshua’s garments are soiled.  Some scholars say they even have poop on them.  (Hebrew word tsow used once for vomit and a second time for poop) He has a poop shirt on. 

Joshua is covered in the people’s sins.  He represents not only himself but all of Judah as their high priest.  Satan has so much ammunition against him.  So much sin to bring the LORDS attention.  So much possible poop.  Joshua is powerless against Satan’s accusations.  He is wearing all the sin.  Yet he is adored and treasured by God.  A brand plucked from the fire. 

Back in the day we used to write on paper.  They even do so in the time period of Zechariah.  Imagine you have been writing all morning at your desk.  You know the picture of the writer tossing rough draft paper balls in the trash?  After three or so hours of work there is a heap of papers in the trash you need to get rid of, and you go to your fireplace because it’s an old school metaphor and those are always more romantic.  You place the unwanted papers in the fire and they begin to blaze.  Suddenly, to your dismay, you remember that your best idea of the day is in that pile!  This isn't Windows you can’t just get it out the digital recycling bin.  The papers all on fire! 

As quick as you can you rush to the kindling flames, and snatch away the paper, and attempt to stop the gnawing edge of the flame.  This precious paper smokey, charred, and a bit brittle round the edges, scorched and hot, it might even have holes- it’s a brand plucked from the fire. 

Would you have snatched it out if you hadn't treasured it?  After that whole ordeal is there is it likely you will throw it back in? Would God have snatched Judah out of Babylon, and expended so much time and care over her, if at the end He meant to destroy her?  The fact of His deliverance, not only proves His love, it implies it will continue on more powerfully!

God essentially can say to Satan.  “Nice, accusations, but you are too late.”

Something remarkable happens next.

And the angel said to those who were standing before him, “Remove the filthy garments from him.”  And to him he said, “Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with pure vestments.” 

Iniquity is an ugly word.  It’s the Hebrew word ‘awon’ which is a general term for the whole sinful disposition leading to distress and guilt.  Joshua had incurred the wrath of God, but this vision demonstrates that God accepted Joshua and the people he represented by removing all that offended Him.

On top of that Joshua is clothed in new apparel.  Holy robes Joshua could never provide for himself.  Not ever.

Zechariah the prophet chimes in on the scene.

And I said, “Let them put a clean turban on his head.”  (What?  Why?)

 So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with garments.  And the angel of the LORD was standing by.

This is actually beautiful symbolism.  The garments of the high priest included a turban, and on that turban were the words: HOLY TO THE LORD. (Ex 28:36)  Joshua had become just that.

But the big question Zechariah and us the readers might wonder is how?  By what power did this all occur?  Did God just make it so?  How is he holy now?

Jesus.  That’s where this vision is headed.  Think about the book of Romans.  The first three chapters mankind is set before us as a sinner before God.  We all stand dirty before Him.  And our righteousness-even on our best days-is just filthy rags in God’s sight.  It’s poop shirts.  We stand in Joshua’s prior condition.  What can we do? 

Nothing.  What can God do?

Romans 3:21-25
But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it- the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.  For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by His blood, to be received by faith.  This was to show God’s righteousness, because in His divine forbearance he had passed over former sins.  It was to show his righteousness in the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

That’s what God did for you.  That’s what God demonstrates in this vision upon Joshua.  His righteous holiness was placed upon Joshua.  So where did the wrath go?

It went upon my favorite word.  PROPITIATION.  It means turning away wrath by an offering!

I like to think of it this way. Seniors, I’m sorry you have to hear this one more time.  A young soldier is in the battle field and has been for a long time.  He is tired, filthy, and hungry.  The fighting has been going on for days and all he wants is to find a quiet safe location out of the line of fire to eat a can of cold beans he has in his front chest pocket.  He doesn't have a trench to use because this war is being fought in a Croatian city, so he stumbles into the ruins of an old bank and hides behind a concrete pillar.  He hears the fighting all around him, but he desires those beans.  He pulls them out, tears open the can with his knife and begins eating the beans and refreshing his soul.  His captain slides up next to him, and asks “What in the world are you doing son?  Don’t you know we are at war?!”  The young soldier nods and answers, “Sorry captain, I was just so hungry.”  All of the sudden the two men hear the piercing sound of a heat seeking missile launched in their direction by the nearby enemy.  The missile will surely see past the cold concrete buildings and find the soldiers inside.  Death awaits, the wrath of the missile awaits!  But the wise captain without a moment to spare pulls out of his pack a flare…lights it…and tosses it into the sky above.  BOOM!!!!!!!!  The missile seeks and destroys the flare instead of the soldiers.  The flare had become the propitiation for the wrath of the enemy.  Jesus on the cross was like a flare for you.

God’s wrath was poured out.  Justice was paid.  But not on you.  It was absorbed by the cross.

You hear people say our sins past, present, and future were upon the cross and I’m sure that’s true.  But you know what else?  The prophet Isaiah said He bore our grief and sorrows.  All the ways we have been wronged, all the pain we feel.  Jesus took it.  He can make all things new.

Hold that thought.  Back to the vision in Zechariah.  The LORD wants to talk.

And the angel of the LORD solemnly assured Joshua, “Thus says the LORD of hosts:  If you will walk in my ways and keep my charge, then you shall rule my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you the right of access among those who are standing here. 

It is so revolutionarily huge that God says this after Joshua has been made HOLY TO THE LORD and not before.  Before when He was sin if God said “If you walk in my ways and keep my charge…yada yada.”  Are you kidding me?  Never in life.

But Joshua has been made HOLY TO THE LORD so now he can walk in God’s ways and keep God’s charge.  He can.  Those are holy things and he is holy now.  It’s his new desire.

Why can he do it and we do it?  Because Jesus already has.  In all of these things the person and work of Joshua’s greater namesake Jesus, was being anticipated. 

Some people have the idea that if they are saved by grace they can do as they please.  Oh it’s so true but not like you think.  Those who are saved are now pleased to obey.  It’s the good they want to do.  

If you always do as you please then are you saved by grace?

If you trust Jesus you rest in Jesus.  If you rest in Him, you will grow in obedience to Him and do what He wants you to do because you trust Him. 

Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your friends who sit before you, for they are men who are a sign; 

Joshua and his friends were the priesthood.  A symbol of the priest to come…Jesus and maybe a hint at the priesthood of all believers.  (1 Peter 2:9)

Jesus will now be described as the Branch.

behold, I will bring my servant, the Branch.  For behold, on the stone that I have set before Joshua, on a single stone with seven eyes, I will engrave it’s inscription, declares the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day.  In that day, declares the LORD of hosts, every one of you will invite his neighbor to come under his vine and under his fig tree.”

The name Branch is a big Messiah reference in OT prophecy.  Isaiah uses that figure to predict Jesus first coming as Savior (Is 11:1) “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.  Then Jeremiah uses the title for Jesus’ second coming (Jeremiah 23:5) “Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.

A stone or precious jewel is not given to Joshua but laid before him.  This stone has seven eyes or seven facets depending on the translation.  It will be inscribed.  Seems like a cornerstone for a new building.  Perhaps the temple?  Some argue it is a well stone that gushes forth living water to cleanse sin from its eyes.  The only thing clear about it is that it was perfect clear to Zechariah when he saw it because he didn't ask “What’s that rock for?”  So we can ask him later. 

Joshua stands in his sin, He is made HOLY TO THE LORD by God’s decision to offer Jesus and by nothing on his own.  He can fulfill God’s commands now because Jesus has already fulfilled them and is working in us to complete us.  This Jesus was the long prophesied Servant, the twice visiting Branch. 

The One who will remove iniquity from the land in one day.

During all the years that Israel had sinned, they had still offered sacrifices, but their sacrifices had never taken away sin. 

No sacrifice of yours or mine can ever take away sin. 

There isn't any punishment you can give yourself to take it away.

There isn't any penance you can do to work it off.

The one sacrifice of Jesus upon Golgotha, the one sin-bearing act on Calvary has put away sin in one day, and put it away forever, so that no further sacrifice is needed, no new blood, no new Atonement.  It is done.

Heaven? Satisfied.  Justice? Content.  Mercy? Has freed you.  God? Is glorified.  In one day, without your help, without any help, alone, solitary God in the Person of His Son Jesus put away sin forever.

Jesus took our sin and the death that comes with it and was buried with it.  But only Jesus came back.  Sin and death are defeated.

What can Satan now say?  Of what can you be accused? 

Jesus says to Satan, “It’s too late.  I already love them.”

The God of the Old Testament is certainly the God of the New who in the person of Jesus dismissed the crowds who sought to kill the sinful woman caught in adultery.   She was caught.  She was dirty.  But He pardoned her and gave her new life.  Only He could.  

His request to her, He would request of us…”Go and sin no more.”

Don’t let these words crush your spirit.

Jesus didn't say, “Clean yourselves”
Jesus didn't say, “Do you laundry. Poop shirt.”
Jesus didn't say, “If you sin again I’m gonna be ticked off”
Jesus didn't say, “If you can’t get it right you are going to have to pay big time”
Jesus didn't say, “The only way to please me is by your perfection”

This isn't obedience by obligation.
This isn't obedience by ought.
This is obedience by can
This is obedience by want to

‘Sin no more’ isn't His expectation.

‘Sin no more’ is His empowerment.  It’s a battle cry.  It’s Jesus belief in who you really are.  The new you.  Jesus in you…underneath your flesh.

1 John 1:10 makes it clear If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

We will sin.  But sin is no longer a lifestyle choice.  1 John 3:9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him,

When we sin, Jesus says ‘I love you, I got this, now sin no more’. 

When we fall we can fall forward.  We have no need to run away from God, He planned the work of the cross so you could be together.  We aren't used to this kind of perfect love.  But while you were still a sinner He died for you.  Abide in Him and then…sin no more.

We can practice His righteousness in us by trusting what He says is true about us.  We are HOLY TO THE LORD.  We can walk in that.  Through that faith in His work we please Him.

1 John 3:19-24 closes these thoughts perfectly...

By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our hearts before Him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows everything.  Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God; and whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments (he will name 2 whole things) and do what pleases Him (trust Him fully).  And this is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as He has commanded us.  Whoever keeps His commandments abides in God, and God in Him.  And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.